UX/UI Designer



Skin care analysis, beauty enhancement, and provider recommendations all in one application.


Beautify performs a comprehensive skin care analysis and keeps a record of skin health over time. Beautify helps users achieve optimum skin health and enhanced beauty by advising on products and connecting users to quality providers for treatments, and temporary to semi-permanent procedures.


I worked with a talented startup company based in Seattle, Washington, and my primary role was creating the UI design. I worked alongside a Project Manager and a Developer to create a working product that was tested with potential users. I then iterated the screens based on the user feedback.

Problem Definition

Beautify aims to create transparency in the cosmetic industry, so women get the treatments that are best for them. Beautify combats the false claims and high-pressure tactics that plague the cosmetic industry.


This app targets individuals who are health conscious, between the age of 25 and 60, looking for quality skin care treatments and procedures.


We had three weeks to get the core screens and product features ready for a presentation to investors. I was tasked with having the core screens prepared for user testing in a week, then updating those screens based on the testing by week two and finally having the screens polished up for a big funding presentation by week three.

Design Process

The Project Manager created rough wireframes of her vision for the app, and provided information on the target demographic. I reviewed the report and conducted a competitive analysis of other beauty apps. I translated the wireframes into designs and presented my designs to the Product Manager and Developer. Finally, after a few iterations, a working prototype was created by the Developer and tested with potential users. Based on the valued feedback, the final iteration of the screens was presented to the investors.


Because of the time crunch and not knowing if the project would be successful, we worked to create a bare-bones design. This left me wanting to take some more time to polish up a few elements of my design. However, the project is still in motion and if we get the proper funding for a final product, the design will be to fleshed out further.